The group was founded from improvisation sessions with various musicians and visual artists, in 2007. SCLrN's work is currently divided into musical pieces combined with scenic performance aspects and into songs and short instrumental pieces, some of which were recorded on the Kkkk album. In addition to performing in theaters and festivals, the group made many presentations on the streets of Brasília. In 2009, they began to create long-lasting pieces with scenic-narrative structures and recorded the piece, Música pra matar artista. In addition to the recordings of the albums, the group also performs pieces, such as Otnemasac and Réquiem para VÍDEO e datilógrafos. End of 2018 launches the second album SINFONIA N° 5 de BEETHOVEM EM DÓ MENOR PARA RUIDO A DUAS MÃOS. Recently released album called: REQUIEM IMPROVISADO PARA VÍDEO & BENS.
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